Tips for Team Communication

 Over communicating is a myth and as leaders we need to strive for it. Today I want to focus on communicating within a team. I want to break down three key areas that have radically changed our company’s way of communicating and help you utilize them to the max.

Daily Communication.

Each day, I like to hold a 10-minute meeting before every shift. Like going on the field before playing the game, you must have a team huddle. The purpose of daily meetings is to know everyone’s goals and how we as a team can serve each other that day. It not only allows our team to know how to serve one another, but it gives them assurance that others know how to serve them that day. We started this a year ago and I can confidently say it has improved our salon’s culture.

Weekly Communication.

Every Monday at 10am, our team is prepared to watch a 10-minute video regarding the upcoming week. I like to record a video each week to celebrate our previous week, set goals for the upcoming week and take care of some “housing keeping.” This is the time to talk about our weaknesses as a team, and how we can be improving. This is also the time to talk about any news the team should be aware of, such as introducing a new product line or someone coming to job shadow. It is a fantastic way to keep consistent communication with the team.

Monthly Communication.

As a leader, it is important to keep a consistent schedule. Every month, I hold an hour and half long monthly team meeting for all employees. This should be a vision-focused meeting. This means we will focus on giving an overview of how the company is doing as a whole and leave every employee with an image of our vision for the upcoming month. Additionally, I will use this time to give leadership coaching and hopefully leave our employees feeling motivated and excited for the upcoming month.

Communication is so important and crucial for success. Outside of these three forms of communicating, be sure to have an effective way of digital communication. I never recommend making SMS group chats, rather I always recommend using an app such as Slack or GroupMe. I have found apps to be more efficient in my company.

Most importantly, make these times worth your team’s time. You can never over communicate. Strive to over communicate because that’s when people start hearing you. I’d love to communicate with you! DM me on Instagram if you’d like to connect. I hope this information is as useful to you as it has been for me and our company!


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